Friday 13 March 2015

Broadcast - Ominous Cloud

The hunt is on. My heart is racing with a purpose. I'm about to meet the other works of my favourite author. And he'll tell me about a great task. And give me a stodgy old man. His end will look like Texas, something used to compensate for your weak lungs.

Always Give Away Your Semen

"Forensic experts in Italy claim to have reconstructed the DNA of a national war hero and poet by analysing semen he left on a handkerchief, given to a lover 100 years ago. 

In a global first, the protofascist warmonger Gabriele d’Annunzio’s DNA was reconstructed without exhuming his remains, police forensics officers said, raising hopes the technique could be used to solve cold cases.

D’Annunzio (1863-1938) gave the semen-splashed hankie to his lover, Countess Olga Levi Brunner, in 1916 as a souvenir after a night of passion." (source)