Friday 10 October 2014

NehruvianDOOM- Caskets


"So here's my next step: we are living in a 21st century that resembles a mutant Shadowrun—by turns a cyberpunk dystopia and a world where everyone has access to certain kinds of magic. And if you want to explore the human condition under circumstances which might plausibly come to pass, these days the human condition is constrained by technologies so predictably inaccessible that they might as well be magic. So magic makes a great metaphor for probing the human condition. We might not have starships, but there's a Palantir in every pocket (and we might not have dragons, but some of our wizards are working on it )."

  Charles Stross, "Not-A-Manifesto," Oct. 10th (


I haven't read the new Batgirl book. Probably won't. Scratch that: definitely won't. But I'm curious enough on account of the hype to scan reviews. This image caught my attention. It's nice to see Babs (aka Barbara Gordon, aka Batgirl, aka Not-Oracle-Anymore) presented as a sexual being. And a voracious one at that! Batman gets to be the 'hairy-chested love god' without losing his authority as a costumed vigilante. Why can't Batgirl fuck randos too?

She grabs his shirt like she wants him inside her. Its a simple way of communicating a deeper passion for life and pleasure underneath all that grim-dark bondage gear that the Bat-family tends to wear. And, really, should we be surprised that Babs likes it a little firm? Christ, Bruce Wayne probably can't even cum anymore without someone slapping him in the face repeatedly, telling him about how she wants his bat-symbol all over her. You need something a little extra extra after multiple exposures to fear toxins, poisonous plant women, and extra-terrestrial possessions.

      Batgirl #35, Oct. 2014  (DC Comics)

Cherry Glazerr - Had Ten Dollaz

Thursday 9 October 2014

Agamben and The Wire

The Couch
"It is on this other, more obscure, face of potentiality that today the power one ironically defines as 'democratic' prefers to act. It separates humans not only and not so much from what they can do but primarily and for the most part from what they can not do. Separated from his impotentiality, deprived of the experience of what he can not do, today's man believes himself capable of everything, and so he repeats his jovial 'no problem,' and his irresponsible 'I can do it,' precisely when he should instead realise that he has been consigned in unheard of measure to forces and processes over which he has lost all control."

         Giorgio Agamben, "On What We Can Not Do," Nudities (Stanford, 2011)

Dustism - This Will Destroy You

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Mobb Deep - Right Back At You

"Never share your plans with a stranger; word is bond."

"You buckin' me, I'm buckin' right back at you."

Tuesday 7 October 2014


Lala Albert, Sacred Prism 3: Paranoid Apartment (Sacred Prism, 2013)
                                                                                                                              In every hall and every plaza, at the feet of any statue, and even in the places where I have worked there is a ghost like a radio voice and melody. Hundreds of them; they are spread as far and wide as my body.  Each has its own location. Each is distinct. Yet when I walk among them they are the same. They are time machines. Time machines our first cyborgs try desperately to overcome. But this mass of spectres will eventually drag us all into our ghost hole. And we will never return. 

Plotinus and The Invisibles

"We should be spectators of murders, and all deaths, and the takings and sackings of cities, as if they were on the stages of theatres, all changes of scenery and costume and acted wailings and weepings...

But the actors [in the universal drama] have something extra, in that they act in a greater space than that within the limits of the stage, and the author makes them the masters of the All...

...part of the author, and an author who foreknew what they were going to say, so that he might in this way be able to bring the rest of the play and the consequences of their interventions into a coherent whole." 

                                                                            Plotinus, Ennead III.2

CHVRCHES - Bela Lugosi's Dead

Monday 6 October 2014


Candles in a semi-circle on the side of the walkway; pictures, flowers, and votives. In her white shawl, she makes sounds like a dog left out in the barren cold. No door will open if she waits.

People on the street keep their distance. Just as they probably kept their distance when the killer revealed his weapon. Rare murder produces a zone that only the grief-stricken may enter. Otherwise it simply produces a body in the street.

Grim Soliloquies


Nothing but wall-to-wall knives, guns, and tits. A dark triangle leading youth to ruin. This issue, an eleven year old boy will fall into a strange world of futuristic soldiers, masked villains, and blonde cavemen. He's never seen anything like these intimations of bondage and domination. And who are those faces in the top, left-hand box? None of it makes any sense. Except the promise of violence. Violence beckons like the perfumed scent of a submissive mistress.

Uncanny X-Men #274 (Marvel Comics, March, 1991)

Pharmakon - Body Betrays Itself

Sunday 5 October 2014

Dark Dilemma

Out of conscientious habit, he's turned the lights off as he leaves. He doesn't seem to realize that I was there with him and that I'm still midstream. The light from the slowly closing door has diminished to an inch and Mr. Conscientious is long gone. Fuck.

Summoning muscles that are very poor at restraining fluids, I attempt the impossible, using my underwear to prevent dribbling. It's difficult. Damage is minimal--thank fuck. I end up working my way from the urinal to the light-switch feeling only a little warmer. But, Christ, this could have been bad. That guy should really pay better attention to other people in the bathroom. He doesn't have to be so afraid. People get hurt in a world of fear. 

Purity Ring - Grammy

Alex - Part 1 - Laplace's Demon

  Alex's fingers are deep into the man's unprepared trapezius, pushing apart tense muscles. It is remarkable the power that can be found if one digs even slightly below the surface of something. You built steel obelisks in honour of this truth. Alex sighed quietly, watching as the man he had grabbed tried to keep from begging, his body unable to stand properly. 
  After Bosnia, Alex thinks that I cannot see him or that I haven't kept watch. He doesn't know that each one of his atoms rests and glows in a way that bends the space of my body. I can reverse the irreversible and watch this whole show on repeat like I have a million times before. So I've known about the little drama of Alex for quite a while. I've watched over him since his mother was born. And I can see him now, dragging that poor man over to a doorway. Customers at a place like this think that money buys everything. Don't I know it.