Friday 10 October 2014


I haven't read the new Batgirl book. Probably won't. Scratch that: definitely won't. But I'm curious enough on account of the hype to scan reviews. This image caught my attention. It's nice to see Babs (aka Barbara Gordon, aka Batgirl, aka Not-Oracle-Anymore) presented as a sexual being. And a voracious one at that! Batman gets to be the 'hairy-chested love god' without losing his authority as a costumed vigilante. Why can't Batgirl fuck randos too?

She grabs his shirt like she wants him inside her. Its a simple way of communicating a deeper passion for life and pleasure underneath all that grim-dark bondage gear that the Bat-family tends to wear. And, really, should we be surprised that Babs likes it a little firm? Christ, Bruce Wayne probably can't even cum anymore without someone slapping him in the face repeatedly, telling him about how she wants his bat-symbol all over her. You need something a little extra extra after multiple exposures to fear toxins, poisonous plant women, and extra-terrestrial possessions.

      Batgirl #35, Oct. 2014  (DC Comics)

1 comment:

  1. I always imagined Bruce has erectile dysfunction. That's why he beats on criminals so badly, it's his only release now. He whispers "if I ever see you on my streets again..."
