Saturday 4 October 2014

The Snake Bear (aka The Honey Badger)

The Snake Bear waddles forward with a serpentine 's'. When threatened, it raises its head like a cobra and motors backwards. If you get too close or it doesn't like the cut of your jib, it bites. It bites balls. Even the Rhino is not safe.

Being a Snake Bear, the creature gets into lots of trouble, digging through garbage. It's smart enough to open a refrigerator and capable of climbing up almost anything. It can escape from any cage. If you aren't careful, it'll break into your apartment and open your bedroom door. It has the intelligence of Spielberg's Velociraptors or, worse, Cameron's Xenomorphs. "They cut the power...." "What do you mean they cut the power?!" 


  1. So are there documented instances of literal ball biting, because that's alarming to me? Also are those creatures indigenous to North America? Also do you think you faint if your balls were attacked with ferocity, or would you have enough adrenaline in the tank to at least defend your own balls? . I'm not sure myself.

  2. Nah, this thing is biting balls in Africa. The thing of PBS told me that it attacks balls, and I'm not one to argue with a confirmed authority like public television.

    I think that I'd run around a lot, trailing the Honey Badger behind me. Eventually my balls would detach and be eaten. That's when I would faint. Watching my jeans change from blue to black... it's too much.
